Share your Time and Talents
Share the gifts of your time and your talents with Good Shepherd on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings! Worship services run smoothly because of the involvement of many people. Participating in a hands-on way on a Sunday morning or Wednesday evening is a rewarding way to express your faith and strengthen your connection to the Good Shepherd community.
Use this page to schedule yourself online to usher, greet, read the lesson, help prepare or clean-up the fellowship meal or to serve your Good Shepherd community in another way during a Sunday or Wednesday worship service. It’s so easy! The sign-up links below will take you to the related online schedule page managed by SignUp Genius.
Look for the deadline to sign up for a Sunday or Wednesday in a given month. Your signup information will be confirmed in the Time and Talents calendar published in the church’s monthly newsletter.
Sign up to serve on Sundays in 2020!
I can pick up the doughnuts on Sundays for Good Shepherd this year!
I can greet on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can host on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can usher on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can read the lesson on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can prepare Communion on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can serve Communion on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can count the offering on Sundays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can prepare and/or serve the meal on Wednesdays at Good Shepherd this year!
I can clean-up after the meal on Wednesdays at Good Shepherd this year!
If you prefer not to sign up online, let Ginny, Good Shepherd’s administrative assistant, know what ways you are interested in serving Good Shepherd, and what your schedule is like, and she’ll schedule you accordingly. You can contact her at 952-471-8433, or at Thank you for your faithful service to Good Shepherd!