First Time at Good Shepherd?


Welcome to Good Shepherd Lutheran!  The following are questions frequently asked by visitors to our congregation.

What time are your services?

During the year we have two services: 10:00am Sunday morning and 6:30pm Wednesday evening. During the summer we have a 9:30 AM service on Sunday.

What is worship like at Good Shepherd?

Worship is a core of who we are as a congregation, and worship at Good Shepherd is friendly, inviting, and inspiring.  Our church uses a rotation of four worship styles and musical groups each month. One of our services features a contemporary jazz/folk/bluegrass group, one features a praise and worship band, one features a gospel group, and one is a traditional service led by organ. We rotate these styles weekly, so if you attend services every week for a month, you will experience each unique setting.

What should I wear to church?

What you wear is completely up to you!  At any given worship service you will see people dressed in suits and dresses alongside people dressed in sweatshirts and jeans.  We believe that worship is what is important, not what we wear.  

Where are you located?

We are located just west of Navarre on County Road 15. Our address is: 3745 Shoreline Drive Wayzata, MN 55391


Do you have activities for children and youth?

Yes we do!  During our 10:00am service (9:30am during the summer) we offer Sunday School for children Pre-K-6th grade as well as nursery care for younger children.

On Wednesday nights during the school year we offer a Jr. Choir for current elementary students, a Confirmation program for current 7-8th graders, a 5-6th grade group, and Sr. High ministry for current 9-12th graders.

Does your church offer daycare or preschool during the week?

Shoreline Early Childhood Development Center is located on site for daycare needs Monday to Friday. If you are looking for information about Shoreline Early Childhood Development Center, please note that Good Shepherd does not operate the center. Information about the center is available at Shoreline's Website.

Do I need to be Lutheran to attend or take Communion?

Absolutely not! As Lutherans, we believe that God welcomes all people and we invite everyone and anyone to attend our services.

How do I become a member?

If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact our office at (952) 471-8433.

How do I schedule a wedding, baptism, or funeral?

To schedule a baptism, wedding, or funeral, please call the church office at (952) 471-8433.


Service Times


10:00am Worship
10:00am Sunday School & Nursery

5:45pm  Dinner
6:30pm   Worship

9:30am Worship
9:30am Sunday School & Nursery


3745 Shoreline Drive
Wayzata, MN  55391

Church Office Hours
